Unloved Crawl Spaces will cause you problems
Water vapor from exposed earth, old moisture laden insulation batting and general debris are all unsuitable materials to be sitting underneath your home and it's structure and air flow.

CleanSpace Draining Matting
Used underneath CleanSpace liners to act as a buffer for the liners durability but it also softens the floor for crawling. You can see here that the matting has gone down, then the wall liner has been secured and caulked into place, providing layers of sealed water protection.

CleanSpace Liner
This tough 20 mil, seven -ply barrier, consists of 3 layers of high strength polyethylene film, 2 layers of molten polyethylene, and 2 layers of polyester cord reinforcement, all laminated together.

Clean and Dry
Now that the debris and old insulation has been removed, the relative humidity will now begin to lower and the liner will do it's work to prevent water intrusion from the exterior.