Trench Drain
Installing an underground trench drain to carry water away from the home will help tremendously.

Water in the crawl space
The crawl space of this home stays wet, the foundation is struggling after years of soft ground being the only support.

A few quick drill marks to help break though the concrete. A pier will be placed below the footing to support this section of the garage.

Pier Bracket Set
A bracket is set to the right of the garage to support the load of the corner.

Pier to the Left
A push pier bracket is placed under the footing to the left side of the garage to support this corner.

Hydralic Pressure
The Push Piers are driven with hydraulic pressure until rock or load bearing strata is reached.

Dishcharge line
A drainage line is buried to allow for water from the sump pump and around the foundation to be routed to a safer area. Also, a trench drain is installed across the driveway.

Drainage around the foudnation
These down spouts emptying right at the base of the foundation are part of the problem.

Cracks above the garage had been patched before. The driveway also showed signs of sinking with cracks running throughout.

Drywall cracks
More evidence of movement; the drywall is cracking and the corner is pulling away at the ceiling.

Additional Piers
The home needed additional piers along the side with no drainage to lift and support the foundation.

Concrete is patched
Piers in the concrete are patched.