Bowing Wall
The level against the wall shows this wall is bowing out 2". The earth on the other side creates pressure against the foundation wall causing stress and damage to the structure.

Evidence of water leaks
The stains on the block show evidence of water leaks. Concrete block is porous, water absorbs in to the block and will leak out the other side once saturated.

Stair Step Cracks
The stress of the weight is causing movement throughout the foundation. Stair step cracks show movement of these blocks and allow water to pass through even easier.

Horizontal Crack
Horizontal cracks are one of the first symptoms of a bowing wall. Horizontal cracks start small and increase in width over time as the soil outside continues to put pressure on the wall.

Wall Anchors
Low-profile plates are placed on the interior wall and secured to the rod. Great option to straighten the wall over time and can fix multiple problems such as bowing walls, leaning walls, and walls sliding at the bottom.

Anchor In
Geo-Lock anchors have 10 times more contact with the soil, resulting in more holding power in weak soils. A steel rod runs from the anchor in the soil to the plate place on the interior wall.

Wall of Protection
The components of the system are connected and tightened to permanently stabilize the home. Wall anchors are also a great option to install around obstacles such as pipes, conduits, toilets, sinks, etc.. So there is minimal disturbance from installation.