Wall Cracks
Wall cracks like these continued to get worse.

More Corner DryWall Cracks
The cracks continued to get worse, paint was a cover up not the solution.

Foundation Stair Step Cracks
This corner of the foundation shows stair step cracks.

Mold on the Floor Joist
The temperature, humidity, and wood make the perfect habitat for mold growth. We cant get rid of the wood floor joist but controlling the moisture and temperature will prevent mold from growing.

Stair Steps from the inside
From under the home these cracks are even more prominent.

Push Pier
The steel bracket of the push pier is installed under the footing to lift the foundation back in place.

Corner Support
Placement of the Push Piers is important to ensure they share the load of the structure properly. The piers are hydraulically driven through the earth down to solid load bearing strata.

Cleaning up the work area
The crews back fill and clean up the work area.

Smart Jacks
To prevent further floor sagging, SmartJacks provide the support the crawl space needs.

Delta Drainage Matting
A drainage matting under the vapor barrier will help with water pooling, keeping water flowing properly for drainage. it also doubles as a cushion under the liner for anyone who may be in the crawl space for utility maintenance.

Air Sealed
All areas are filled and sealed to enclose the area. Keeping conditioned air in and outside air out.

SaniDry Sedona
The SaniDry Sedona is a might little dehumidifier who can easily handle the full size of this home and protect the air quality. Controlling the humidity of the home eliminates mold, mildew, dust mites, and other health related problems.

Clean and Healthy
Fully encapsulated, jacks in place and wrapped this crawl space is clean, healthy, and protected.