Before Our Specialists Got to Work
The homeowners had attempted to try to fix their water flooding issue with Flex Seal.

Perimeter of Basement Jackhammered in Preparation
The perimeter of this basement was prepared for the TrenchDrain and WaterGuard installation by using a jackhammer to clear out space.

TripleSafe Pump Installed
A must when dealing with flooding is a powerful sump pump. Our crew made sure to install the reliable Triple Safe Sump Pump, which will help pump the water safely out of the basement.

TrenchDrain and WaterGuard Installed
The TrenchDrains are normally installed in front of doorway/garage openings and stairs. The WaterGuard is one of our most popular drainage systems. It includes a wall flange with 3/8" opening to collect water from the wall. These are installed to collect rain water, which will then be lead to the sump pump!

WaterGuard Covered
After our guys are all done, they make sure to cleanup and make your basement look like we were never there.. only leaving behind grade A products!

LawnScape Outlet Installed
The water collected in your sump pump has to go somewhere, so we installed the LawnScape Outlet outside of the home and quite a few feet away for the water to drain out of.

LawnScape Outlet Covered Up!
Once the pipe is covered back up, the only thing left peaking through is the discharge outlet. It is green to better blend into your grass!