Standing Water
Standing water is a breeding ground for mold and not only is mold hazardous to your health, but also to your homes foundation.

Failed Sump Pump
One thing this pool house did not need was a bad sump pump. Make sure to buy a reliable pump that will not fail on you when you need it the most.

Weep Holes Drilled
In preparation for the WaterGuard, weep holes are drilled at the bottom of the blocks to drain the hollow cavities.

WaterGuard Installed
Once our crew drained the standing water they were able to jackhammer out space for the WaterGuard. The WaterGuard has a wall flange with a 3/8" opening to collect water from the walls and floor. It then directs the water to your sump pump.

Sump Pump Ready to Go!
The TripleSafe Sump Pump is cemented in and ready to go! A few features about this sump pump are that it has a airtight lid, primary pump, secondary pump, AND a battery operated backup sump pump, in case of a really bad storm! This is exactly what this pool house crawl space needed!

LawnScape Outlet
Our crew installed the LawnScape Pipe and Outlet, so the water could be pumped out by their sump pump far away from the home.

LawnScape Pipe Covered
After the pipe is installed and ready to go, our crew will place the dirt back over it. Soon it will look like we were never even there, besides the outlet peaking through, which is green to better blend into the surrounding grass!