Standing Water
Standing water in a basement is a recipe for disaster. Not only does it take away storage area, but it can also cause mold to grow!

Weep Holes Drilled
In order to prepare for the TrenchDrain and WaterGuard, our crew jack-hammered out space for the products and also drilled small seep holes into the cement to help drain the water.

TrenchDrain and WaterGuard Installed
The WaterGuard is installed around the perimeter of the basement to catch the water from the floor AND wall. The TrenchDrain is normally installed around stairs, door openings, and water heaters that are by the wall.

Water On Its Way Out
What happens after the water is collected? It is sent to the sump pump and then pumped out! While we do highly suggest using our reliable sump pumps, we do work with the sump pump you may already have. If you're having problems with your sump pump, make sure to check out our sump pumps. They are extremely powerful and have an airtight lid!

All Covered Up!
Don't worry! Our crew will cover all the pipes up and cement in our products! We now have very happy customers that can take back their basement!