Before Our Crew Got to Work
This is what the basement looked like before our crew got to work on it! Although this pump looks "fine", it was obviously not doing what it needed to do. Continue reading to learn more about our POWERFUL and RELIABLE TripleSump Pump!

Weep Holes Drilled
Our crew jack hammered out space for our products and drilled small seep holes into the walls for the water to escape from in the hollow parts of the cement, which the WaterGuard will be able to catch and and send to the pump.

WaterGuard Installed
The WaterGuard has been installed and is ready to be cemented in! This product is designed to capture water seepage through walls and leaks along the wall/floor joint. They are also nearly invisible when installed!

TrenchDrain and TripleSafe Sump Pump Installed
The TrenchDrain is typically installed at the bottom of a basement stairway, or across a doorway into a walkout basement to prevent water from flooding in. The reinforced plastic the TrenchDrain is made out of keeps it from cracking or denting, so you will not have to worry about stepping on it or driving your car over it! The TripleSafe Sump Pump can also be seen here. There is a good reason why it is called TRIPLEsafe and it's because it has 3 pumps!!! The first one is more than reliable with a heavy-duty 1/3 horsepower (HP) cast-iron Zoeller pump that does most of the pumping, and handles up to 2,600 gallons of water per hour, but in case your space needs more.. the other 2 pumps will have you covered!

LawnScape Well and IceGuard Installed
You can find the white IceGuard on the side of the home, which does a wonderful job at preventing backups in the sump pump caused by frozen lines. Connected to that is PVC pipe (now covered back up with your soil) and at the very end is the LawnScape Well, which is ready to spout out the collected water away from your home!