Perimeter of Wall Jack Hammered
In order to prepare for the WaterGuard and TrenchDrain, the perimeter of the garage must be jack hammered.

TrenchDrain Installed
The TrenchDrain is installed in front of open entryways and steps normally. This homeowner chose to have a "foot traffic" cover placed over the TrenchDrain for added convenience.

Weep Holes Drilled
Weep holes are drilled to allow for ventilation in the inner wall cavity. Without this, mold and mildew can grow and reduce the life of internal wall studs. No worries, the WaterGuard will hide the holes and collect the water!

WaterGuard Installed
The WaterGuard is used to catch water from the walls before it leaks to the floor, as well has captures the groundwater to send it to the sump pump. The last thing they need to do is cement everything in and the garage is ready to take on any large downpour!