Horizontal Cracks
Horizontal cracks are often caused by hydrostatic pressure from outside of the walls. This is a serious problem, because it can lead to foundation failure.

Excess Water
The family had water coming from the bottom of the walls and under their water heater. During heavy rains it would pool and cause the family more issues.

WaterGuard & CleanSpace Wall System
The WaterGuard is designed to catch not only surface water, but water from the wall as well. The CleanSpace Wall System is made out of a thick (20mil) white poly sheet material that forces all wall seepage and moisture to flow into your perimeter drain system.

SumpPump with Back-up Battery
The powerful and reliable sump pump was installed and cemented in. The small black box next to it is the backup battery pump, which is ready to turn on in case of flooding during a power outage!

Wall Anchors
To fix their foundation problems we used Wall Anchors. They can counteract soil pressure by anchoring walls to stable, undisturbed soil outside your home. Thanks to threaded rods that extend through the wall, wall anchors can even be used to straighten walls in many cases!