Photo Album: Waterproofing a Basement in Buchanan, TN
This Tennessee family's basement had a small flooding issue, which led to a big moisture problem. This problem has caused mold to grow and the tools stored there to rust. They had tried Drylock on the walls, but it did not work. They were looking for a company that had a good price and warranty, and thankfully we have both! They gave us a call and our crew set them up with our Basement Waterproofing System. This system includes:-Drilling in weep holes to let trapped water escape from your walls-WaterGuard to collect water from the walls and ground-TrenchDrain to collect water from entryways-SuperSump Pump to collect the water from the WaterGuard and TrenchDrain and lead it out and away from your homeThese homeowners are glad to have their forever home fixed and are happy they don't have to worry about the personal items they store in their basement getting ruined. We love being able to provide permanent solutions with our products and highly trained specialists!
Weep Holes Drilled
Weep holes are drilled to release water built up behind the material. Without such holes, the water will exert pressure against the wall and threaten its structure.
Ready for WaterGuard
We have jackhammered out a space for the WaterGuard along the basement's perimeter.
Allows water to escape when discharge line is frozen.
WaterGuard Installed
The WaterGuard has been installed and its job is to collect the water from the walls and surface. As you can see, after it is installed the product is barely visible!
TrenchDrain Installed
The TrenchDrain is extremely durable (so you can step on it or even roll a car over it without having to worry) and is made to collect water from entryways.
SuperSump Pump
The collected water goes to our top-rated 1/3 HP Zoeller cast iron pump, which offers reliability and high-volume pumping