Dry Rot/ Mold
The excessive amount of moisture in this home caused wood decay, which was not only causing foundation issues, but also was the reason for a moldy smell in the basement.

WaterGuard Installed
Our crew installed our WaterGuard System, which is designed to capture water seepage through walls and leaks along the wall/floor joint and direct them to the designated pump/drain.

Weep Holes Drilled
These holes are drilled at the bottom of your walls to let the trapped water escape. If left in the brick, it could cause major foundation problems! Now, the water will be caught by our WaterGuard System.

Wall Repair
Our WaterGuard is cemented in and not noticeable at all with our wall restoration. This wall is just an additive if the homeowner chooses to have it installed due to stained walls or to have a more "finished home" look!