Photo Album: Waterproofing and Foundation Solutions in Dresden, TN
This home has had bad leakage and foundation problems for the past decade. Cracking occurred on both the interior and exterior walls and leaked when it rained hard. This led to unsightly wall damage on the wall. The owners had tried to fix the cracks with hydraulic cement, but it did not hold up. They googled companies that could do both foundation and waterproofing jobs and found us. They took advantage of our free estimates and called us right away. Our inspector came to their home, looked around their property, and then sat down with the homeowners to tell them what he found and what products we had that could help them.They agreed that the products needed to be installed before the cracks and damages got any worse.Products Installed:SuperSump PumpWaterGuardIceGuardLawnsCape OutletNexusPro Joint Sealant 3" Push PierWe installed our waterproofing products to collect and extract the water, Push Pier to lift the settling home, and NexusPro to seal the cracks, so they will not get any longer or wider!They now have a water-free basement and the cracks are closed! We are happy to be able to help them out with our trusted, nationally backed products! Call us today for your free estimate!
Exterior Foundation Settling
Exterior cracks in your brick are a big sign that something is wrong with your foundation.
Interior Foundation Cracks
Cracks and water damage have occurred and it will not get better by itself! In fact, it will only get worse and more cracks will appear.
3" Push Pier
Push Piers are made of steel and are driven deep into the soil beneath a foundation to solve settlement problems. Push piers can be installed inside or outside your foundation walls and are not visible once the repair is complete.
WaterGuard Installed
The WaterGuard has been installed and is now being cemented over. The only part that will be showing is the top flange that is used to collect water leakage from the wall! It can also collect water from the ground!
SuperSump Pump
This pump can pump up to 2,280 gallons of water per hour.
The SuperSump Pump also has a top-rated 1/3 HP Zoeller cast iron pump that offers reliability and high-volume pumping.
This product ensure that when cold weather freezes your discharge lines your space won't flood! The trapped water will be released through the perforated top.