Moist Basement
Wet mud in your basement? That's a no-no! That moisture will absorb into your home, which could cause you BIG problems in the future, such as mold growth and wood stabilizer failure.

No need to fear..WaterGuard is here! This amazing product is barely noticeable and its job is to collect water from both your wall AND ground. It then leads it to your designated pump.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
The first pump can pump out over 2,600 gallons of water per hour, if 2,600 gallons is not enough, then it will automatically switch on the 2nd pump, which can pump out up to 6,200 gallons, and if your power goes out, no need to fear..it also has a battery operated backup pump!

IceGuard and LawnScape Outlet
The IceGuard product ensures your space won't flood in the case that cold weather freezes your discharge lines. The trapped water will be released through the top! Our LawnScape Outlet is grated to help stop leaves and pests from getting inside. It is also green to better camouflage with the surrounding grass.