Signs of Water
The discoloration of the blocks show this basement has leaked many times.

Water Affects the Structure
The pressure against the block will affect the stability of the home's foundation. Areas that get overly saturated with water may also cause soil problems creating movement in the foundation.

Perimeter System
Installing an interior drainage system along the footing helps collect water and route to the appropriate Sump System to be pushed out of the home. Our WaterGuard system does not require digging up the exterior of the home's foundation saving heart ache and cost. The interior system also prevents blockage and buildup of debris from the soil.

Around the Hot Water Heater
There are times when moving an appliance is not the best option. For this basement we went around the hot water heater to continue the system.

Maintenance is Possible
This inspection port makes maintenance easy. Great for checking if system is working properly and if dust or debris get in the system they can easily be flushed out, no need to dig.

TripleSafe Sump System
The WaterGuard will direct water to this sump liner. The TripleSafe Sump System houses a three-pump system and adjusts automatically to meet pumping requirements. A removable, airtight lid reduces noise and allows for easy inspection or service.

Basketball Room
The basketball room has a finished dividing wall, keeping this wall dry is important. Wet drywall not only gets soft and unattractive but will also breed mold.