A trench is dug into the inside perimeter of the homes foundation, the WaterGuard is then inserted and ready to collect water!

All Smooth.
After the WaterGuard is installed the crew goes over everything and ensures it looks nice and smooth. WaterGuard is designed to collect water that seeps in from the walls as well as the base of the wall joints.

All the water that is collected from the WaterGuard is then taken to the TripleSafe sump pump and from here the water is directed out and away from the home.

Drain Line.
All the water that is collected from the WaterGuard as well as the TripleSafe sump pump is then directed from the inside of the home to the outside. This water is taken far enough away from the home to ensure the water does not return.

All Finished!
After the crew is done they do everything they can to return the landscape back to its original state. You can hardly tell! Beautiful results!