Basement Waterproofing
This nice tall basement needed to be waterproofeed. As you can see, it's far below the ground level, so the water can easily get in the basement through soil and foundation walls during heavy rains. Keep scrolling this album to see our waterproofing solution.

Sedona Dry Dehumidifier
The WaterGuard Basement Waterproofing System was installed, as well as the TripleSafe sump pump which pumps excess water out of the basement. We added a dehumidifier to help control the moisture.

The WaterGuard System
Our crews always make sure the place looks neat after the WaterGuard installation.

Drainage System
The drainage system, the WaterGuard, was installed.

WaterGuard Basement Waterproofing System
The waterproofing system is designed to drain the excess water to the TripleSafe Sump Pump, which is located in the lowest corner of the basement. Naturally, water flows downhill, and the TripleSafe sump pump catches water and pumps it out, far away from the basement - the basement stays waterproofed.

Waterproofing SafeGuard System
Our waterproofing WaterGuard System is designed to catch water leaking through basement walls to specially designed pipe system and lead it to the TripleSump Pump.

Our Waterproofing System

TripleSump Pump
TripleSump pump ensures that water escapes through the pipe system out of the basement, at least 10 feet away from the house.

TripleSump Pump
Drainage pipe leading off the sump pump, outside of the house.

WaterGuard System
WaterGuard can drain water from the wall thanks to special segments along the backside of the flange that sticks up above the floor to allow water that seeps through the foundation wall to drain down into the system.