Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Once the Push Piers are installed, our crews backfilled the loose soil and washed away any that could not be replaced, leaving the home to look as good as new.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
After the soil had been backfilled and the excess washed away, our crews replaced the concrete that had been removed to gain access to the footing of the home's foundation.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
The Push Piers rest under the home's foundation at the footing where we use hydraulic pressure to lift and support the home's foundation.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Hydraulic pressure is used to lift and support the home.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Existing concrete and loosely packed soil are removed to gain access to the footing of the home's foundation.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Hydraulic pressure is used to support the home's foundation at the corner of the home.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Cracks and gaps in the home's brick are a visual indicator of foundation issues.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
The Push Pier rests under the home's footing where it will not only provide lift but prevent future sinking.

Foundation Settlement in Clarksville, TN
Cracks in the home's brick indicate larger foundational issues for the home.