Before Project Begins
You can see where water has been seeping or intruded into the basement through the block wall by the water line on the bottom.

Water Damage
Obvious signs of water damage in the basement.

Weeping Holes
The first step in the WaterGuard installation is the drilling of weeping holes. Water from the concrete block will flow through these holes into the system ones installed.

Digging out the Trench
A trench is dug out and weeping holes are drilled where the WaterGuard system will be installed.

WaterGuard During Installation
After the trench is dug, the WaterGuard is installed, surrounded by clean gravel, and CleanSpace liner is placed on top. After this the Cement will be added on top.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
The TripleSafe sump pump is installed. This will help with any water intrusion. It is placed at the lowest point of the basement where water will naturally flow, then pumped out.

IceGuard and LawnScape
The WaterGuard drainage system will prevent water being pumped out from freezing during the winter. The LawnScape there at the end of the system is where the water will flow to, far away from the structure.

Drainage System Installed
The LawnScape system is installed and buried, making it flush with the ground. This helps with lawn maintenance and is just visually more discrete.

WaterGuard Installed
Once the WaterGuard is installed, it is cemented over. This keeps everything in place, any water from the concrete block flows through the weeping holes that were drilled and out through this system to the drainage lines.

Project Complete
The project is now complete! The WaterGuard has been installed and the area cleaned up.