More Exterior Cracks
Very visible cracking showing on the homes exterior.

Visible Cracks
Visible cracks are showing on the exterior of this home. This is a clear indication the the home has foundational issues and is sinking.

More Signs of Foundational Issues
More cracking in the exterior of the home. Once the foundation is lifted these issues will be repaired.

Inspecting the Crawl Space
Inspecting the crawl space for cracking of the interior foundational walls.

Excavation Process
Areas around the foundation are excavated to give room for the installation of the pier system.

Helical Pier Installation
A helical pier owes its name to the helical plates welded to the pier shaft. These plates help to pull the pier into the soil during installation and provide anchoring strength as the weight of the foundation or structural element is transferred to the pier.

Lifting the Foundation
Helical piers have a great deal of versatility for stabilizing and restoring foundations and masonry elements.

Project Complete
The foundation is lifted, the project is complete. You can barely tell that anything happened, but the foundation is lifted and secure.