Cracking Steps
Once a foundation begins to settle, cracks may appear in the brick or stucco of the home's exterior. These cracks are concerning indicators that your foundation requires support.

Foundation Brick Cracking
Here, along the foundation of the home, you can see troubling deep cracks developing in the brick.

Stair-Step Cracking
This style of foundation cracking is referred to as "stair-step cracking" where the vertical cracks may continue to widen as the foundation continues to settle. This is a troubling indicator that the wall has begun to rotate.

Soil Removed for Helical Piers
To begin the process, our team removes the soil from the area where the Helical Piers will be installed.

Installation Process Begins
Once the soil is removed, the process begins by using specialized hydraulic equipment to screw the first pier section deep into the ground.

Foundation Bracket Installed
Once the first pier section is securely in place, additional sections are added. Finally, a steel bracket connected to the helical piers is attached to the foundation footing.

Foundation Lifted
Once the bracket is attached, the weight of the home is transferred through the helical piers, stabilizing the foundation and structure. This process can also help close the concerning cracks in the brick that we observed before starting.

Installation Hidden
As a final step, the soil around the installation area is replaced, ensuring it is hidden from view and maintaining the curb appeal of your home!