Moisture Issues
Moisture, mold and falling, failing insulation are problems in this crawl space, which hasn't been properly sealed.

Water Damage
Water damage and open vents. These vents will need to be sealed off. It is a common misconception that you need air flowing through the crawl space, this is a myth.

Moisture Reading of Crawl Space
Moisture reading of crawl space being taken. This will be compared to moisture readings in the wood floor joists, readings inside the home and outside. By taking all the readings will will get an accurate picture of how much moisture is in the crawl space.

Floor Joists Moisture
Taking moisture reading of the wooden floor joists inside of the crawl space.

Sealing Vents
Sealing your crawl space vents stops the cycle of cold, humidity, and moisture entering from the outside air.

One of the key ingredients in our encapsulation system is the CleanSpace® vapor barrier, a super-durable, 20mil plastic sheet material designed to permanently prevent moisture, outside air and pests from getting into your crawl space. Your crawl space technician will install CleanSpace® poly over the foundation walls and floor to create a continuous air and moisture barrier.

Sealing Air Leaks
Any air leaks are sealed with spray foam insulation. Effectively sealing the outside world off from the crawl space and keeping it moisture free.

Rebuilding Frame
Rebuilding the frame before installing the new secure EverLast door. This will make sure the area is sealed properly.

EverLast™ Crawl Space Door
Installing an EverLast™ Crawl Space Door in your home is a fast and easy process, usually done within the hour. One installer will put your crawl space door in place while the rest of your crew completes the crawl space repair.