Exterior Foundation Cracks
Visible cracks on the home's exterior foundation walls reveal signs of soil settlement beneath the structure. Over time, variations in soil stability can lead to sinking or shifting in certain areas, causing stress on the foundation and resulting in cracks like these. It's a warning sign to address foundation issues promptly.

Interior Cracks
Stair-step cracks on interior walls are classic indicators of foundation settlement. These cracks widen towards the top, signaling that one side of the structure has shifted or settled more than the other. Although such damage can look severe, most foundation issues can be corrected with targeted stabilization solutions like push piers, avoiding the need for total replacement.

Soil Removed for Piers
Our team carefully excavated soil at specific points along the foundation to prepare for the push pier installation. This exposes the foundation's footing, allowing the push piers to be installed at precise locations that address the most critical settlement areas.

Hydraulic Pier Installation
Once the footings are exposed, we begin installing the interlocking steel piers, which are hydraulically driven deep into the ground until they reach a stable layer of soil. This process ensures the piers provide lasting support, anchoring the foundation to soil that can bear the structure's load.

Heavy-Duty Steel Bracket
Each pier is topped with a robust steel bracket positioned below the foundation footing. This bracket redistributes the home's weight through the piers, transferring it to load-bearing soil layers. In some cases, this method also allows us to lift the foundation, helping to restore it to its original level.

Backfilled and Stabilized
After stabilizing, we backfill the excavated areas with soil, leaving the home fully supported by warrantied push piers. This long-lasting solution ensures the foundation remains stable and the house is safe from future settlement concerns.