Trench Drain
An area is excavated and the Trench drain is placed. Trench drains are used in high traffic areas like entrances.

Trench Drain Installation
After the Trench drain is placed a thin layer of cement is applied around it to ensure it stays in place. Water will flow into this drain and into the pump system and be pumped out of the basement through the drainage lines.

Our most popular drainage system, WaterGuard® is the ideal solution for most basement waterproofing applications. Unlike old-fashioned drain tile systems installed on the outside of the home, WaterGuard® is installed just underneath the perimeter edge of the basement

WaterGuard Installation Complete
Once the WaterGuard is in place a thin layer of cement is applied on top.

TripleSafe® Sump Pump
Get the best protection for your basement. A TripleSafe® Sump Pump System (shown here), represents the ultimate in basement waterproofing and humidity control.

Basement Waterproofing Complete
All the WaterGuard is installed, as are the trench drains, and the TripleSafe sump pump. This basement is now waterproofed.

Discharge lines from your sump pump are susceptible to freezing in the winter, our anti-freeze device called IceGuard. It will allow discharged water to escape if the drain freezes (or clogs for any reason). There are no valves to turn or hoses to attach - operation is automatic. Under normal operation, no water will spill through the open slots due to its flared design.

LawnScape™ Installation
LawnScape™ is a pipe buried from the downspout to a special LawnScape™ outlet that lets the water out onto the surface while camouflaging the end of the pipe. The lid comes off for easy cleaning. LawnScape™ is best used for downspout extensions over 8' long.

IceGuard and Lawnscape
All the drainage lines are connected and buried, this allows for normal lawn maintenance and an invisible solution.