Foundation Failure
The foundation walls themselves can fail in a large number of ways. Most commonly, these walls will be damaged by foundation settling due to poor supporting soils. It's also very common for the walls to buckle inwards due to pressure from expansive soils outside the home.

Inadequate Structural Design
Sometimes, the contractor who builds a home will improperly space out the support beams that hold up your floor and interior structure. When this happens, the floor may sink in the spans between each support, leading to damage to your home structure.

SmartJack Floor Plate
That SmartJack floor plate is placed and leveled. The SmartJack® can be installed year-round, with installations completing in about a day. There's no waiting time for concrete to cure!

Superior Support
Our support jacks do more than merely halt the downward movement of your floor. The SmartJack® may also be adjusted to try to lift the floor above to its original position.

Stronger Crawl Space Support
Our crawl space support system can support vertical loads exceeding 60,000 pounds, which is far stronger than conventional concrete repairs. The SmartJack®'s portable size allows it to be installed in even the tightest of crawl spaces.

EZ Flow
EZ Flow Crawl Space Drainage System is installed to prevent flooding in this dirt crawl space. EZ Flo features a filter fabric with holes on the top and front to accept water from the soil and surface of your crawl space. The pipe also collects water seepage from the crawl space walls and the footing/wall joint.

EZ Flow Installation
To install the EZ Flow a trench along the inside perimeter of the foundation wall is excavated and slopes evenly towards the excavated area where the sump pump.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
Our most reliable sump pump system, the TripleSafe™ Sump Pump System, provides three levels of protection for your basement and your peace of mind. The TripleSafe™ has a powerful, cast-iron Zoeller® ⅓ horsepower sump pump set at the lowest level for normal functioning. For heavy volumes of water or in case of primary pump failure, a second, more powerful Zoeller® ½ hp pump set a bit higher in the liner will take over.7

SmartJack Install Complete
The SmartJacks have been installed, the EX Flow tubing is connected to the newly installed TripleSafe sump pump.

IceGuard and LawnScape
Water escapes from the IceGuard® fitting only when the discharge line becomes clogged. Otherwise, water flows past the slotted openings into the drain pipe. LawnScape™ is a pipe buried from the downspout to a special LawnScape™ outlet that lets the water out onto the surface while camouflaging the end of the pipe. The lid comes off for easy cleaning. LawnScape™ is best used for downspout extensions over 8' long.