Remodeling Magazine Names Frontier 101 of 550 Residential Replacement Contractors
CLARKSVILLE, TN September 28, 2015 - Frontier Basement Systems, a local waterproofing and foundation repair company, was recently recognized by Remodeling Magazine as one of the top replacement contractors in the country. Remodeling Magazine, a resource for residential construction companies, compiled a list of the most successful contractors in the year 2014, and through a variety of surveys and customer polls, reduced the number to 550 companies. Frontier Basement Systems was placed 101 out of the 550 recognized by Remodeling Magazine(121 Last Year).
Few industry pyramids have as wide a base and narrow a top as remodeling. Census reports suggest that two-thirds of America’s roughly 650,000 remodelers are self-employed. Only 90,000 companies of any size have a payroll. And if past trends hold, no more than one out of six of those take in a million dollars a year.
The 550 companies on this year’s list occupy the very top of the pyramid. For the vast majority of them, 2014 was a decent year and 2015 looks to be a great one. Revenue for full-service companies dipped just 0.3% from 2012 to total $1.09 billion, but those same companies are looking for a 35% revenue rise this year to $1.48 billion. Replacement contractors did much better, having gone up 8.1% last year to hit $2.35 billion, but they are a tad less optimistic about this year, predicting an 11.9% gain.
Frontier Basement Systems President, Layne Gebers, says "We are a small, growing company and we appreciate all of our employees for their help in providing WOW customer service in every home, every time. We are proud of all our employees".
To see the complete list, visit the website at:
Frontier Basement Systems is a locally owned and operated contractor specializing “all things basementy.” Based in Clarksville, TN, they service all of Middle Tennessee and Southwestern Kentucky for over 13 years. Their services include:
To learn more about the company, visit their website at:
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