Proudly Serving Southwestern KY, Middle TN, and Northern AL


Brittney Gebers

Marketing Manager

Frontier Foundation & Crawl Space Repair


[email protected]

Ready for Rain

Heavy rains are just around the corner. Is your home ready?

February is notorious for lunching us into spring rains.

Over the years we typically see a lot of moisture.

Is your home ready?

The Earth’s soil will hold as much as it can but when it reaches its full capacity the water will find somewhere else to go, even if that means your home’s foundation.

If you have worried about ground water seepage in the past during heavy rain events be sure to pay attention when rainy season starts to move in.

Check for moisture!

-          Darker areas in the foundation block.

-          Efflorescence on the block, evidence moisture has come through there before.

-          Check for water or moisture at the joint where the Wall and floor meet.

-          Of course, make sure gutters and down spouts are free of debris and in good condition.


Inside the home:

Odors. As moisture builds up under the home in basement or crawlspace you may notice odors.

This comes from standing water, mold growth, or wood rot.

Sticking doors & windows. As moisture builds, porous materials like window and door frames will swell, making a tighter fit and create sticking.

Visible Mold or Mildew: When conditions are correct Mold and Mildew will grow. Dead organic material (wood or drywall), temperature above 65 degrees, and humidity of 55%.

Bubbling or Peeling of Wallpaper or Paint: When moisture gets between the wall and the wall covering it will start to push the covering away from the surface creating the

Soft Floors: To much moisture in the flooring will make them feel soft or even bouncy.

Don’t wait until you see these problems. As soon as you see the first signs have your basement or crawlspace checked before its gets worse.

The one thing for sure is that it does not fix itself and it will only get worse (more expensive) with time.



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