Basement Water Damage
Cracks in the interior basement concrete block and visible mold growth are clear indications of water intrusion into the basement.

Trench Dug
A trench is dug around the perimeter in preparation to install the sub-floor drainage system.

Hole for TripleSafe
A hole is excavated in preperation to intall the TripleSafe sump pump.

Holes Drilled
Weeping holes are drilled into the concrete block for the water to seep through into the drainage system.

WaterGuard Installation
The WaterGuard in installed, surrounded by clean gravel, then a layer of CleanSpace is placed on top.

WaterGuard Install Complete
Once the WaterGuard is in place a thin layer of cement is installed on top.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
The TripleSafe sump pump is placed and assembled into the whole excavated. The installation is now complete with the drainage lines attached.

The IceGuard system is installed. This drainage system prevents the water being pumped out of the basement from freezing during the winter months.

LawnScape System
The LawnScape system is being installed. Once complete it will be buried into the yard, flush with the ground so lawncare will be a breeze.

Basement Waterproofing
The basement waterproofing project is now complete.