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Check out this view of our crawl space encapsulatuon system!
We used CleanSpace to help seal this dirty crawl space into a useable, and energy-efficient space!
Most crawl space doors are made from either wood or metal that rot, rust, and fall apart over time and stop protecting your crawl space from moisture, mold and mildew, and unwanted pests from entering. Our crawl space doors are made from a non-organic material that will not rot, rust, or deteriorate over time. Our doors also have an air-tight seal so no air or moisture can squeeze through.
This Columbia family had a problem with water flooding their basement during heavy rains. This problem soon created a mold and musty mildew smell in the home. They wanted to use their basement for more than just a space to collect unwanted rainwater. They had plans of making it into a guest room. They contacted a few waterproofing companies, but liked our price and solution.
Our inspector introduced them to our basement waterproofing system.
CleanSpace Wall is a durable, pliable material that is made out of 20-mil poly-reinforced material. It's bright white in color, and includes a 25-year warranty for wear and tear.
When installed on basement walls and floors, it creates a powerful vapor barrier. Any moisture or leaking water can easily be directed from the material into a perimeter drain system.
In this case, the collected water is being directed to the WaterGuard where it will be led to their TripleSafe Sump Pump and pumped OUT of their home!
They are very happy they are able to move on with plans for their home and use their space the way they want to!
We offer free estimates and inspections, so call us today if your basement is collecting water, because there's no better time than the present!
This basement started stair-step cracking, this could be caused by a couple of different reasons. So this homeowner knew they had to get this problem fixed once and for all, They called and set up a free inspection with one of our design specialists. After inspection, the conclusion was bowing walls caused by the weight of the dirt pushing against the basement walls, and a sinking foundation. To solve these issues for the homeowner, we installed Steel Push Piers, Push Piers are made of steel, when installed they are driven deep into the soil to bedrock. Push Piers can be installed from outside or inside the home and can provide an opportunity to lift your home back towards its original position. Often closing cracks and improving the operation of doors and windows. And Carbon Fiber Straps, this is a very high tensile material that is almost impossible to stretch. Because of it DON'T stretch, carbon fiber can be "Glued" to concrete walls to keep them from bending or bowing inward.
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